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Australian Mooney Pilots Association

Links > Mooney Special Tools

Mooney Special Tools

AMPA has purchased a number of Mooney specific tools that are available for loan to members.  The tools that we have available include the aileron, elevator and rudder travel boards for all Mooney models, over-centre tools for the nose and main landing gear, and tools to replace the landing gear donuts.

The equipment is owned by AMPA but is stored by Smartair in Albury;  Smartair also manage the loan of the tools to members. 

The tools are available to AMPA members only.  There is no charge for their use if returned in good order within the specified time but a late fee will be charged for every day of late return; the maximum late fee will equal the replacement cost of the equipment.  Members must agree not to make copies (or allow copies to be made), to pay freight both ways, in advance, and to ship the tools back to Smartair after a maximum of 5 working days from receipt.

The full terms and conditions of use are available on the web site.

To borrow any of the above equipment, contact Pieter Mol at Smartair in Albury by telephone (02 6021 2929) or email (

The AMPA tools are:

P/N 030003-200Aileron/flap travel board
P/N 030005-100Rudder travel board
P/N 030004-100Elevator travel board (M20C, D, E, F, G, J)
P/N 030004-503Elevator travel board (M20K, L, M, R, S)
P/N 030012-100MLG spring installation tool
P/N 030011-001MLG shock disc tool
P/N 030038-501MLG disc changer tool
P/N 030035-503Rudder spring tool
P/N 030011-100GSE MLG biscuit changer
P/N 030008-100Nose gear over-centre tool
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